I have been a fan of Dragonball Z for many years and I have always wanted my own character to be a part of the series.
What once started as simple doodles back in 1996, an idea started taking form. This idea become something greater but I wasn't ready, I lacked the necessary skills.
Later in life my best friend gave me the gift of photoshop. Doors began to open, the idea still planted, just waiting to blossom. After much practice this idea manifested itself into something far greater and finally it became a reality. Kai has been Unleashed!
There are many that have followed me over the years and have seen the progession of Kai. For those who are just getting to know my DBZ OC, it is here that his story can be told from beginning to end. [Don't worry, I have not created an ending]

This is a fan-based site dedicated to my DBZ OC and his story. This is completely UNOFFICIAL.
Dragonball Z and all things Dragonball and Dragonball Z related © Akira Toriyama

Throughout this site I have a range of ways of telling his story. Some might be straight facts, sometimes as a narrative and others may simply just be a piece of art because the story isn't available yet.

I hope one day Toriyama-sensei may stumble across this page and give me a "thumbs up"

Just a quick idea on how things look from start to finish.

Just a quick idea on how things look from start to finish.

Work in Progress
Atara Collis Facebook Fan Page
My dearest Bestie, my Speedy, my Soulmate. If it wasn't for you re-igniting my passions and creativity, I honestly don't know where I would be. You push me to become something better, and I thank all 9 realms you're a part of my life. It's all because of you that Tsubaki evolved and became something more.
Mom, Baba & Dziadzi
I was always told to be creative and enjoy what I like to do. It doesn't matter what other people think just as long as I have fun and enjoy the adventure behind the imagination.
Akira Toriyama
Without him creating Dragonball and Dragonball Z, Kai wouldn't exist. Thank you for the many years of enjoyment!
My Best Friend Ian
For always being my partner in crime, my wingman, my Brother and bestowing me with Photoshop. I'd still be doing simple sketches if it wasn't for him. Blood brothers til the end of time.
Sam & Ruu
For helping me expand my character and being there to help me when I am lost on a project or if I need a fresh pair of eyes...PLUS being able to make such an awesome story! Not to mention getting to draw your Characters Raiji and Lynn. It's been one hell of an adventure and it still continues to grow. Check out their galleries on the buttons below...AMAZING Artists each with their own unique style. They take commissions as well....you won't
be disappointed.
and such an amazing friend!
What's NEW C. 2015
Your #1 source for all Dragon Ball related news, content and analysis. Give the Image a click and be taken directly to their site

As many of you know, I like to do some Fan Appreciation for those who put forth tons of effort into their DBZ OC that catches my eye and deserve to have their creation[s] done as close to the show as possible... This is a multi-verse type DBZ OC.... which I tend to stay away from but if the story is solid and well written, then I'm totally all about it!! Debuting for the first time in art form...This OC belongs to the lovely and talented @emeraldsaiyan 💕 ✴Son Gokuto!!✴ [child of Gohan and Lime]

I don't do Disney Style Art often, but I'm really glad I did this time! I couldn't be more happier with how this turned out.... Her eyes are extremely captivating and I think that is what brings this piece fully together. Plus her expression....definitely shows her personality to the letter xD I'm more then likely to get hit for this 😲... But that's how we roll 😸 I'll be forever grateful for our friendship.. Wouldn't have it any other way 💞

Styled as a manga cover with her DBZ OC Gokuto and other well known canon characters in her story [Bardock and Bulla] I wanted to try something a little different. And I am VERY happy with the end result.

Finally the cover to my RolePlay Character Companion Sheet... *phew* I wanted to keep it simple yet stand out. 👍 Definitely promised I would continue to work on it...sorry it's taking forever. Sadly the easy part is done....plus with Xenoverse coming out in Feb. I will be slightly distracted...✌ What will already be included: --HIstory --Bio --Techniques --Companions/Rivals/Villains --Timeline Please Enjoy! Thank you

First I introduced Kai's one handed higher damaged blast as: Tamashī Shukketsu [魂出血] in the manga piece I did a few weeks back... [think of it as a super uber power up blast like "Cero" from Bleach..pretty sure I'm leaning to more of an indigo color for it] *drum roll* Now making it's debut for the first time is Kai's Ultimate Ki Attack Sourubān [ソウルバーン]

Here is Juliette Michele also known as Jewel Baby Cosplay or @JewelBabyxo on Instagram featured in Anime Form!! I chose to go with her Morrigan Aensland cosplay to show appreciation for her hard work and dedication... why?? ummm..have you not seen her cosplay?

Epic Mashup between my DBZ OC, Kon and Natsu/Happy

Hands down an honest to good guy...totally deserves something cool! 🙌🙌🙌 Not the best with making art look like people, but I would say this is pretty wicked cool

Please enjoy this concept depicting my character in the Xenoverse Game!! Lots of fun to do, and you'll notice some minor clothing alterations. Did it this way to keep it more true to the Game. [I was not changing the hair style though lol] Sadly, tons of detail is missed because of size restrictions -__- but u can see the TV lines to give it that "game feel" lol

HADOUKEN!!!! [波動拳] Didn't expect to get this done tonight... but I'm very glad I did!!! Hope everyone enjoys this crossover piece of Street Fighter x Dragonball Z I had a blast with special effects and still trying some blending techniques...not quite there but I spent the last 2 hours on the hadouken...so I was getting tired of it lol Kept everything street fighter true via colors...even Kai's eyes and hair are similar to Ryu's. Pretty much do that in all my crossovers.

When two worlds collide...The mystery to finding one lost to time has been found! Here we have Misaki and Kai. Somewhere in time their paths have crossed. For reasons yet to truly be revealed, but definitely an epic timeline crossover. Misaki belongs to my lovely friend @_virgy92_ tweaked her outfit slightly with a more Xenoverse look.

quick warm up of Happy...was feeling the Fairytail

To all you Fairytail Fans and crossover geeks out there.. I dedicate this piece to all of you! 👆 I think I'm finally getting the hang of this new gradient shading I've been attempting. 🙋 One thing I've noticed when drawing crossovers, I can get really motivated lol. Definitely will start color on my Naruto one tonight. Please enjoy, share if you'd like and thank you all for the amazing support, comments and likes!! You all ROCK!

What if.... there is a world where Heroes become Villains with just a snap of a finger? Somewhere, there is a Timeline with a version of Kai that gives into his anger too easily. It is here that Demigra becomes Master and corruption takes control.... Who is strong enough to battle a fully enraged Saiya-jin??

If DBZ didn't exist or if it did.. What other kind of art style would I like it to look like.. And after a couple of ideas..I decided on this concept... It doesn't resemble any anime that I can think of, so I'm definitely happy with that. Still styled with that traditional anime feel.. But kept Kai's Saiyan hair... The Kanji on his Shirt says "Dragon HighSchool"

Surprise gift for my long time friend @ruuruuchan (she finally got an ig so be sure to check her art out when she uploads some) 👍 This is her DBZ OC by the name of Lynn (drawn in my style)

This one is quite personal to me and all I will say is, I am extremely glad she is in my life...

Since we are all gearing up for 'Fukkatsu no F' tradition demands that New DBZ Art should be made in honor of the series....plus to get ready for Dragonball Chou [Super] Featured as well is Kai's Cosmic Blast [ Kozumikkuburasuto ] You only will ever see this technique in this form... definitely had a blast [pun intended] with the special effects.

Fun concept of Me and my Bestie Aleese with our kitties Bella and Amp

Stuck in a living Nightmare...where nothing makes sense and everything you've always known is twisted and perverse. The darkness is forever growing...a deadly silence, the calm before the storm, suffocating the world with quiet known only before all hell breaks loose. You must ask yourself....How far are you willing to go to survive?...If you manage the impossible..will you still be the same or will the darkness find a new vessel? It all changes here....

Something definitely needs to be done about the DreamState... he's trapped..... it's messing with his mind.. unable to focus... reality is beyond obscure... fact or fiction cannot be distinguished... it's slowly breaking his spirit..... Hell, it's killing him! Enough is enough..digging deep within his Saiyan Soul and pushed past his limits...Kai is making a Final Stand! He's bringing Hell to the DreamState...everything is going to burn...and maybe our Hero as well..

My take on a cool idea....went a little further and made a Nutrition Facts and changed the label to look more like the beans from DBZ

What's NEW

By Popular Demand and dedication/appreciation to ALL MY FANS! Kai in Super Saiyan God Mode

Silly Tsubaki....what are you doing?

A friend's DBZ OC drawn in my style Catarotta

Saiyan Space Pod Trial & Error


Atara Collis Fanart Some Fan Appreciation for the Amazing and Talented Atara Collis. She does the BEST female Goku as well as other amazing cosplay. If you haven't seen her, check out her FB page on the link/image on the HomeTab or click the link to her Instagram

Collage of all of Kai's Saiyan Forms

Movie Poster for my own amusement 24x36

The Man of Steel with a DBZ Twist I am most pleased with the turnout of this piece. One of my favorites that's for sure

Hal Jordan aka The Green Lantern with a DBZ Twist

Appreciation Pic for Atara Collis in her Saiyan Armor

For my buddy Sam who requested a Movie Poster with our OCs

Movie Poster Designed for the Lovely and Talented Atara Collis

For Dragonball Insider for all the awesome shout-outs and appreciation.

Dragonball Z OC Battle Royale!

First Official and Authentic Looking Cover Also introducing a very young Kai in Yardratian Attire The Upper Left Kanji says "Dragonball" & "Saiyan Chronicles" Upper Right Kanji says " Based off the works of Akira Toriyama creator of Dragonball" Lower Right Kanji says "Created by Kai" Lower Left Kanji says " A Saiyan Tail. A New Adventure!"

Kai of the Wildfire? That's right everyone... A DragonballZ / Ronin Warriors Crossover!

Warrior lost in time, 戦士は、時間で失わ a strange new land 奇妙な新しい土地 in Mystical Armor, 神秘的なアーマーでは、 Power of Wildfire 山火事の力 ~Kai

Tsubaki and Gang! [Kon & Mokona]

DBZ/Bleach Crossover featuring my OC Kai and of course, everyone's adorable lion plushie..KON!

So yes, recently got back Castle Crashers for XBL [I don't play online with my ps3] and got inspired...but since it's for my art challenge, I had to mix it up a little bit.. and what better way then TESSAIGA!! [鉄斎] (currently on season 4 of Inuyasha....started on season 1 last week] and a Shinigami Bleach Shield

A Blast from the Past Mighty Max! I aged him accordingly, Max was the same age as me when I watched it, so here is wishful thinking... also added the StarMetal Sword from Conan the Adventurer Cartoon [I'm very nostalgic, what can I say]

Crossover between Kai and MegaMan LOVE everything about this!! SO MANY TEXTURES

Crossover between my DBZ OC Kai and Full Metal Alchemist

This is my lovely friend Gina drawn in anime style for her Fem-Kakashi cosplay check her out on the link below

This is my SenKai's art challenge piece. I held a contest a few weeks ago to challenge people to draw themselves as cartoons and to include nostalgic shows, items, etc from their childhood

Crossover of Tsubaki and Sailor Moon

Crossover of my DBZ OC and SpiderGirl

Karyū no Tekken!! [火竜の鉄拳] Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!! I AM IN LOVE WITH FAIRY TAIL!!! [Happy: AYE SIR!] So here is my DBZ x Fairy Tail Crossover feature Kai doing Natsu Dragneel If you haven't seen Fairy Tail..I HIGHLY SUGGEST IT! Had tons of fun doing this, so expect Natsu decked out in Saiyan Armor down the road...I'll probably make a cool collage of both of them

Art contest entry for @dragonballinsider on instagram